On 27 December 2024, NALAS’ e-Academy successfully concluded its five-week e-learning course on Capital Infrastructure Investment Projects (CIIP) in the Water and Sanitation Sector with a dynamic closing webinar. The closing webinar acknowledged the achievements of 26 participants who successfully completed the course, showcasing their dedication and commitment to enhancing their professional expertise.
The CIIP course, delivered through the innovative and practitioner-focused NALAS e-Academy, was designed to provide comprehensive knowledge on key aspects of capital infrastructure investments. Over five weeks, participants explored topics such as project cycle management, preparation and development of CIIP, stakeholder mapping, organisational arrangements, implementation and monitoring, evaluation, and audit frameworks.
During the closing webinar participants reflected on the course outcomes and shared insights on their learning experiences. They highlighted key takeaways, offered feedback on the course content and methodology, and expressed highly positive reviews, emphasising the training’s significant value in enhancing their knowledge and skills for managing capital infrastructure investment projects.
The NALAS e-Academy remains committed to providing accessible, high-quality training opportunities for local government professionals, contributing to the sustainable development of municipalities in the region. For more information about the NALAS e-Academy and upcoming courses, visit www.nalas-academy.com.
The CIIP course has been developed and implemented within the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN), supported by GIZ and funded by BMZ and SECO.
Congratulations to all the participants for their dedication and success!