The NALAS Training “Effective Application of DRR IT Tools for Hydrometeorological Hazards at the Local Level” is designed to empower local governments and stakeholders by enhancing their understanding of how to prevent and respond to hydrometeorological hazards and to contribute to the development of more effective policies and actions through the use of innovative solutions and tools.
The training is intended for practitioners working in local government units who are responsible for civil protection, disaster risk management, or climate change, and for members of local government headquarters for protection and rescue/civil protection.
This Participants’ Guide provides a resource for training participants to use both during and after the training. It aims to offer thorough insights and practical guidance for understanding and effectively managing hydrometeorological hazards.
The guide equips participants with knowledge of innovative solutions aligned with global and regional sustainable development frameworks, fostering resilience. It also provides relevant background information and subject matter content, offering an extensive overview of contemporary trends, technologies, and collaborative strategies in this domain.
This publication is prepared within the European Union-funded project COVALEX (Community of Valued Experts in Hydrometeorological and Technological Multi-Hazards). The project is implemented by NALAS in a consortium with the University of A Coruna (Lead partner), CIMA Foundation, Italian Red Cross, Greek General Secretariat for Civil Protection and Disaster Competence Network Austria.